




Proposal for requalification of uses and furnishings of Chabad Street and part of Oscar Freire Street between Rebouças and Haddock Lobo Streets, aiming at improving share use of open space among drivers, cyclists and pedestrians, as well as urban and environmental vitality.

Rua Chabad | São Paulo (2017)

Proposal, in collaboration with architecture studio Triptyque, for the requalification of the space under the city’s renowned elevated highway, “Minhocão” as a productive space. Based on the result of community-led brainstorming and definition of priority issues, the project includes the creation of openings for natural light, the planting of diverse and appropriate vegetation and a system for harvest and use of natural water and an occupation plan of the areas between pillars with modules for culture, food, services and shops. The project would be framed as a PPP (public-private partnership) in which the City of São Paulo would play a curatorial and maintenance role, among others. The initiative won the iF Design Award 2017 for the branding collaboration with Interbrand.

Marquise Minhocão |        São Paulo (2015)


Proposal for a pilot block in a residential neighborhood in the south area of Goiânia (GO), originally based on the Howard's Garden City model, rethinking the garden city concept in the contemporary city context and integrating common areas with facilities like shops and cultural venues. The aim is to create a healthier atmosphere, permeated by a manifold of open spaces, greenery and a new lake that solves water drainage issues.

Setor Sul | Goiânia (2013)